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Arakan Training Intensity Results
Arakan Training Intensity Results
By training in Arakan Martial Art, many students experience a heightened sense of awareness, greater levels of confidence and self-belief, and gain the mental, emotional and physical ability to take control of most situations. In addition to these positive outcomes (a small list of many), members experience dramatic improvements in their health, fitness and physical appearance...

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Top 7 tips for personal safety
Top 7 tips for personal safety
While there are many signs and advice for you to follow when it comes to personal security, you are the only one who can guarantee your own safety. In fact, every person should be their own safety warden and watch out always for things that may put them in danger. Many people are getting involved in Arakan Martial Art to empower themselves and be able to improve the level of safe defence ability...

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Understanding Stress
Understanding Stress
Sometimes due to difficult life circumstances our bodies are forced to go through strenuous processes in an order to maintain balance. All of this will lead to stress; a little bit of which can be good for the health and too much of which can be harmful. In this article, we look at the definition of stress, the impact of stress, stress related illnesses and possible ways of dealing with stress...

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The Benefits of Sports Nutrition for Martial Arts
The Benefits of Sports Nutrition for Martial Arts
While all athletes are very aware of the importance of exercise in reaching their peak fitness, the jury is still out on the dietary aspect of health and fitness. A quick Google search for the healthiest nutrition regime would produce thousands of contradictory results. Sorting through all of these varying opinions could be not only time consuming, but very confusing for those without a background in health and fitness....

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How to deal with Adult bullying
How to deal with Adult bullying
Bullying can take any number of forms. Everybody has heard of instances of cyber-bullying, and usually attributes this and face-to-face bullying with the teen age group and younger; generally, young people who are in school. Instances of this kind of bullying are seen in many different movies and television, but the fact is that bullying can take place in a much larger spectrum. Adult bullying, though much less known by the general public, can be just as devastating to those involved....

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Ladies Self Defence
Ladies Self Defence
In this day and age, the unfortunate truth is that it is necessary for all ladies to prepare themselves, and acquire the skills to defend themselves from would be attackers. Ladies self defence skills need to be taken on by both young and old, as crime does not discriminate....

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Member Story - Dylan Gorman
Member Story - Dylan Gorman
My name is Dylan and I am 16 years old. I enjoy singing, acting, writing, video games, reading and watching movies. I also have cerebral palsy.

I met Ryan in May 2013 at an expo in Robina and I was invited to come for an Arakan introductory free lesson. It took until September before I was able to take up the invite and I haven’t looked back....

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Strengthen Team Building with Arakan Martial Art

Team building is a critical component of any successful organization, whether in the corporate world or other group-based environments. A cohesive, well-functioning team can significantly improve productivity, communication, and overall workplace morale. Arakan Martial Art offers a unique and dynamic approach to team building through its workshops, designed to engage, challenge, and unite your group in a practical and meaningful way.


Learn How to Fight

If you're in your 20s and serious about learning how to fight, you're probably weighing your options. Boxing, MMA, traditional martial arts—all of these can teach you valuable skills. But when it comes to real-world self-defence, where there are no rules and anything can happen, you need something more practical, something designed for the street rather than the ring.

That’s where Arakan Martial Art comes in.