Workshops & Events

Workshops & Events

Strengthen Team Building with Arakan Martial Art
Strengthen Team Building with Arakan Martial Art
Team building is a critical component of any successful organization, whether in the corporate world or other group-based environments. A cohesive, well-functioning team can significantly improve productivity, communication, and overall workplace morale. Arakan Martial Art offers a unique and dynamic approach to team building through its workshops, designed to engage, challenge, and unite your group in a practical and meaningful way.

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Time - the key to success
Time - the key to success

In todays’ society we expect so much so quickly. There is always so much pressure on ourselves and people around us to gain immediate results, no matter what the venture maybe. 

Our concept of time has changed dramatically; I often hear comments such as, “I have been training for so long now, it’s been almost three years,” and “I have given myself three months to see if my new business can make big profits,” and “it’s time to find a new job, I have been in this same job for two years, it’s been too long.”

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers states that it takes 10,000 hours for someone to master a topic...

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Warrior Day 2016
Warrior Day 2016

Over 250 Arakan Warriors in one place, training hard in beautiful surroundings with the best intentions and energy for each other, how does it get any better than this? Thank you to all of our amazing members for the most magnificent day! I am forever grateful to have the privilege to share Arakan with you all....


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Mastering Your Craft
Mastering Your Craft

Many students begin their journey thinking that after some time and commitment to training, all of their doubts will be extinguished, that they would gain greater levels of confidence and they would feel totally indestructible.

The reality is that along their journey, students may become even more doubtful and less confident than when they began their journey. Although this state is temporary and transitional, the feelings of doubt often lead to the student becoming disillusioned and stopping their journey all together.

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Legion V Legion
Legion V Legion
It’s always super exciting to teach these seminars, the intensity is always through the roof; I find myself flipping from smiling to cringing throughout the seminar. Thank you to all our amazing students who trained with such high level of intensity yet with so much care and respect for each other. Arakan has never been a competition style (hopefully never will be) so it’s our way of creating some exciting moments for our students whilst creating an environment where they can learn and grow as practitioners.

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Melbourne Prison Seminar and Sydney Night Club Seminar Member's Story
Melbourne Prison Seminar and Sydney Night Club Seminar Member's Story
Both seminars started fast, we lined up uneasily awaiting what was ahead. You could feel the tension crackling. Not hesitating, the instructors lived their roles as prisoners, guards or night-clubbers looking for a good time.  At Casablanca night club, in Sydney, the bouncers had us line up and show IDs. Once in, I was bumped into and confronted by drunkards looking for a drink…or a fight. Brawls erupted all around me as I tried to smooth talk my way out of buying an instructor a drink. It felt so eerily similar to what I’d seen when out clubbing, I was confronted. Bad Top 40s blaring, it felt like a sweaty night out in Sydney. Over the 2 hours we endured typical party situations, from standing up to sitting down from light presses to lightning fast cupping palms to groin shots, we learnt the ins and outs of martial nightclubbing. That night I could not help but be twitchy and hyper aware as I did actually navigate Sydney’s nightlife. Having dusted myself of from the Sydney seminar it was time for round two....

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Arakan Martial Art Training Day - Saturday May 7th 2016 - Bornhoffern PCYC.
Arakan Martial Art Training Day - Saturday May 7th 2016 - Bornhoffern PCYC.

WOW! What a truly AMAzing event Training Day 2016 turned out to be. The venue was great, the weather was great and the energy throughout the seminar was electric… thank you to all the dedicated students who trained like warriors, you all inspire me and motivate me so much.

Thanks to the truly awesome team of Arakan Instructors, you really make everything so much fun, I cannot stop smiling when I am around you guys and girls…

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Strengthen Team Building with Arakan Martial Art

Team building is a critical component of any successful organization, whether in the corporate world or other group-based environments. A cohesive, well-functioning team can significantly improve productivity, communication, and overall workplace morale. Arakan Martial Art offers a unique and dynamic approach to team building through its workshops, designed to engage, challenge, and unite your group in a practical and meaningful way.


Learn How to Fight

If you're in your 20s and serious about learning how to fight, you're probably weighing your options. Boxing, MMA, traditional martial arts—all of these can teach you valuable skills. But when it comes to real-world self-defence, where there are no rules and anything can happen, you need something more practical, something designed for the street rather than the ring.

That’s where Arakan Martial Art comes in.