Arakan Martial Art Training Day - Saturday May 7th 2016 - Bornhoffern PCYC.

Arakan Martial Art Training Day - Saturday May 7th 2016 - Bornhoffern PCYC.

WOW! What a truly AMAzing event Training Day 2016 turned out to be. The venue was great, the weather was great and the energy throughout the seminar was electric… thank you to all the dedicated students who trained like warriors, you all inspire me and motivate me so much.

Thanks to the truly awesome team of Arakan Instructors, you really make everything so much fun, I cannot stop smiling when I am around you guys and girls…

Robert Kyaw
Chief Instructor

TRAINING DAY MEMBER STORY - Sydney Student – Chris Dee, Instructor – Scott Sperring

Driving out into the wilderness getting closer to Camp Bornhoffern and getting further and further away from the Gold Coast it dawned on me, what would the day bring, what should I expect, will I cope….

The site was a sprawl of Arakan uniforms and friendly faces all offering introductions and stoked we had made the trip up from Sydney. I was still nervous watching people arrive with different blunt objects, but excitement grew knowing I would be training with the real thing.

Rob shortly grouped us all together for roll call, a good opener to see where each of the team had come from and who was who. The day was going to be laid out in Chapters, 1-5 then something “special” to finish the day.

Having Rob demonstrate and drive each of the chapters was something I have never witnessed, it was like watching a magician perform an act, effortless, flawless and you just wanted to get a close as possible to watch every movement. Even those with years of training were left with open mouths, I knew I was getting a very unique opportunity to train in this environment being surrounded by so much experience and talent.

The chapters we worked through during the course of the day gave real life scenarios to a number of different situations and how it would best be dealt with. The instructors were all outstanding and a credit to them to be able to attend to so many students whilst adapting themselves based on the student they were presented with.

Before I knew it we had worked our way through all the chapters and the instructors disappeared to get ready for the final part of the day. The camp now covered in complete darkness it definitely heightened the senses and increased the adrenaline. The challenge of environment and varying situations made you problem solve, for me this was a complete new concept and one I learnt from especially (thanks Jason).

The whole experience from start to finish has altered my outlook on Arakan, allowing me to see the bigger picture means I can continue to add small pieces of the puzzle and not get lost or swayed along the way. Sometimes you need this, you need to see the big picture to realise what you are building.

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That’s where Arakan Martial Art comes in.