Welcome to 2018!

Welcome to 2018!

Hi Team

I trust all is great and that you have had a great start to 2018. It’s so amazing to see so many Arakan Warriors training hard, thanks for having such a great attitude towards training.
This year marks 25 years of Arakan Martial Art in Australia, so I would like to extend very special congratulations to members who have been part of our family for ten years or longer. I believe that most of the battle is in just turning up, consistently, every week and just doing the ‘work’.

I believe that there is no ‘secret’ to gaining results in any field, you just simply must do the hours in a consistent, focused way. Gaining real results is a process that requires accumulation. Big results are simply the sum of all the little gains along your journey, many people become impatient and look for that one big moment, a quantum leap or a massive ‘game changer’. Even if you do experience these big moments, the accumulation of many ‘small moments’ would have set you up, got you ready for this massive leap.

It is the people who are disciplined and resilient enough to do the ‘grind’ that finds themselves in a favourable situation (in most instances, many years later). In most instances, people are indeed growing and improving but they may become impatient and frustrated because they feel like they may not be growing fast enough.

You may make the process of growth and learning more difficult for yourself if you have your analyser turn on high or if your inner cretic is a harsh one. Throughout your journey, it is beneficial to become more aware of your analyser and inner cretic and learn to become kind to yourself. Remember that you do not have to beat yourself up to gain results; effort, discipline and resilient is a very different operating system to beating yourself up.

Please also remember that having fun and ‘being pumped’ about your training all the time is not realistic, feeling a myriad of feelings is a normal part of the journey.

See you at training, thanks again for being such amazing students.
Robert Kyaw

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