Student Profile - Dean Mayer

Student Profile - Dean Mayer

OCCUPATION: Acting Lecturer (Film and Theatre)

WEEKLY TRAINING CONSISTS OF: 1 private lesson, 1 group training, 1 shared private and the Invite class with Rob

WHY YOU STARTED TRAINING: I started training because I wanted to be able to keep fit, learn how to fight and also to be able to move for film. I also wanted to work on myself rather than just my body, and I believe martial arts does that.

WHY YOU ARE STILL TRAINING:: I love the journey. I enjoy training hard so that if a dangerous situation comes up, I can deal with it in a decent manner, and not be frightened

MOST MEMORABLE ARAKAN MOMENT::Getting punched in the face by a "club idiot" (Trainer) in the Sin City Nightclub seminar. It make me realise you must keep going and finish the fight or else someone else will.

ARAKAN GOALS: I am looking forward to grading first up. But overall, I would love to be able to have a greater understanding of the art and the connection to my body. I know only years of training will suffice to make an impact of achieving this goal.

GENERAL COMMENTS: I thoroughly enjoy the training, even the conditioning, haha. Being around like minded people with similar goals makes it interesting and exciting. I really enjoy Arakan! Thanks to all the trainers that have help me in one way or another.

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Team building is a critical component of any successful organization, whether in the corporate world or other group-based environments. A cohesive, well-functioning team can significantly improve productivity, communication, and overall workplace morale. Arakan Martial Art offers a unique and dynamic approach to team building through its workshops, designed to engage, challenge, and unite your group in a practical and meaningful way.


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If you're in your 20s and serious about learning how to fight, you're probably weighing your options. Boxing, MMA, traditional martial arts—all of these can teach you valuable skills. But when it comes to real-world self-defence, where there are no rules and anything can happen, you need something more practical, something designed for the street rather than the ring.

That’s where Arakan Martial Art comes in.