Learn to protect yourself and your family

Learn to protect yourself and your family

Have you ever wanted to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones?
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt threatened, intimidated, or bullied?
Are you a family man would like to learn to take control of potentially threatening situations and feel more confident?

We believe everyone always has the right to feel safe and secure . The ability to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones has become a vital skill set in today’s modern world.
Arakan Martial Art is an effective and powerful self-defence art that teaches efficient, practical and easily adaptable techniques for today’s modern world. You will lean the fastest most effective ways to keep you and your loved ones safe!
The unpredictable nature of a self-defence situation is that you never know who you may encounter at any moment and should a potential situation arise, you will need to go from being in a relaxed state, to being able to protect yourself and loved ones within a split second.

As we get older, we realise the value of family and the ability to keep ourselves and loved ones safe. 

Arakan is a fast, powerful, practical and adaptable self-defence art.  

You will learn effective self-defence techniques, discipline, conditioning and skills to remain calm in heightened situations. You will develop skill sets that are highly effective in potential scenarios that you may encounter in a ‘real life’ situation, in a safe and controlled environment. Your safety is our number one priority, both in training and on the street. 
You will learn to connect with and move your body in very dynamic ways, in which you never thought possible. You will develop a greater understanding of body weight, momentum, body mechanics and moving with the path of least resistance. You will learn to coordinate your body to produce your movements with precision, speed and power. As you develop a greater control over your body, you become physically fitter, stronger and more agile. Your body, mind and heart will begin to strengthen, become more resilient and gain greater strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and coordination through your training.

Our goal for you is to: 

  • learn fast, practical and effective self-defence skills,
    learn skills and techniques to ensure the safety and wellbeing of yourself and loved ones, 
    increase situational and environmental awareness,
    learn skills to remain calm in heightened situations,
    learn to diffuse and divert a potential situation,
    improve mental focus and concentration,
    gain a greater understanding of body mechanics and momentum.
    improve coordination, speed, power and agility. 
    improve hand eye coordination and speed

Our experienced Instructors will tailor your experience and training to where you are at and build you from your level, safely and effectively. Your lesson is structured so you will become proficient in being able to defend yourself and others, quickly and effectively.

You will have the opportunity to train your new skills in a safe and controlled environment with experienced, qualified Instructors to ensure your safety and wellbeing.

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Learn How to Fight

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That’s where Arakan Martial Art comes in.