Burnt-out to Bulletproof

Burnt-out to Bulletproof

It warms our heart to hear of stories of how people how literally transformed their lives through training Arakan Martial Art®

We often hear the excuses ‘I’m too old, too fat, too sick, not fit enough…’ the list goes on.

To tell the truth, we all have ‘stuff’ going on in our lives, however it’s how we deal with that ‘stuff’ that determines whether we live a happy and fulfilled life, or not.

Dave shares his story of how he went from being a burnt-out, ‘old, sick, depressed, stressed out 35 year old guy’ to a ‘bulletproof 45 year old man’ who is fitter, faster and stronger than he has been in his whole life!

Dave tells of how training Arakan regularly and consistently transformed his health and wealth in all aspects of his life. He became more empowered and confident in his business, at home, in his relationships and now feels bulletproof.

If you ever wondered if you could live a more fulfilled life; check out Dave’s story below here and see what’s possible.

The Arakan Team

Dave Mason Story
10 years ago my life was in a very different place to where it is now. I was running a very busy but stressful business and found myself working 7 days a week and not paying attention to what I ate or finding the time for exercise. I found myself stressed out, depressed and my doctor was telling me I had to go on to medication for high cholesterol. At the same time I found I was feeling ‘old’ and constantly had headaches, back pain and was feeling generally knocked around by life while trying to keep my head above water.

When my father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, I got a bit of a wake up call. I was following in his footsteps of working 7 days a week, not looking after my health and generally accepting high amounts of stress as ‘normal’.

I decided that something had to give so I made a radical change in my life by restructuring and downsizing my business and embarking on a journey to improve my work/life balance. This is when I decided to re-ignite my passion for martial arts (which I had participated in off and on when I was younger). My wife suggested Arakan Martial Art® as it was one of the martial arts I had tried in my early 20’s and she had remarked how fit I had become in a short period of time when doing it compared to other martial arts I had done.
I was 35 years old and decided to take Arakan back up again but this time, to do it properly and turn up to training each week (rather than just when I felt like it). Initially I started Arakan just to get fit doing something that stretched me both mentally and physically and have an instructor that was going to keep me accountable.

The journey I then went on with Arakan has turned out to be much more rewarding than I ever could have imagined. I noticed after a few months of training that I was fitter, healthier and much happier in life. My relationships with friends and family become much better and stronger and I felt my self confidence and self worth growing each week as I continued to commit to just turning up to training and giving 100% in each lesson.

Within months, my confidence, resilience and focus permeated all aspects of my life and I found my business started to become more successful as I started attracting the best types of clients and having the ability to say ‘no’ to elements in my life that were not beneficial. After 3 months of training, I had a checkup with my doctor who told me that my cholesterol levels, blood pressure, etc were all at very healthy levels and to just continue doing Arakan to have a happy and healthy life.

10 years on, I can honestly say that embarking on this journey with Arakan Martial Art® has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It has taken me from being a stressed out 35 year old that felt old, broken and ‘over the hill’ to now being 45 but feeling stronger, healthier, more focussed and more confident that I have been at any other time in my life. I now feel that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to and that age is just a number.

Often in training, I am training with guys that are half my age or even younger yet I do not feel that their age gives them any advantage over me now. The skills and mindset of consistent training in Arakan Martial Art® and surrounding myself with such inspirational role models such as Master Rob and his instructors has strengthened me both mentally and physically and I literally jump out of bed every morning excited for what opportunities the day will bring.

If you find yourself heading down a path in life that you don’t feel completely fulfilled or that you are not reaching your full potential then I highly recommend committing yourself to regular training with Arakan Martial Art®. It really can change your life!

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