Robert Kyaw - Arakan Martial Art Instructor

Robert Kyaw

Chief Instructor

Chief Instructor Robert Kyaw considers teaching a true privilege, he believes that his calling in life is to be of service to people through Arakan Martial Art.

Robert lives and breathes what we teach; you will find him training hard every day of the week, he is always learning and growing as person.

Robert believes that Arakan is an amazing vehicle to learn about one self and become more aware on many levels.

Robert has been training Arakan for most of his life and has been teaching since 1993, he is the first person to introduce Arakan to the western world from Myanmar, his passion for Arakan and teaching grows stronger every year.

Robert is excited and inspired to be a part of a student’s journey and growth. He is always accessible and available for his students, you will find him wearing a big smile, open heartedly training and sharing Arakan with students of any age or skill level.

Robert is a dedicated husband to Christina and father to his two sons: Phoenix and Raiden. When Robert is not training Arakan, you will find him snowboarding, at the beach, training at the gym, reading, playing guitar or meditating.

Robert has been with his wife Christina since they were both in their early twenties, he attributes much of the growth and the stability of the Arakan club to Christina, who manages the administration team.

Robert is a firm supporter of charities, the Arakan team sponsors 30 World Vision children, they support an orphanage Myanmar and have supported numerous charities each year.

“I am forever grateful for having the opportunities to teach our students, thanks for your love, support, commitment and inspiration.”


We all need a mentor in our life that knows how to get the best out of you, and I'm extremely grateful that Chief Instructor Robert Kyaw is my mentor, I don't know where I would be if I didn't have his guidance. Robert has added so much value to my life and my family's life.  

As a Martial Artist Robert is one of a kind, I've been getting coached by him for the last 17 years and every time he moves, it blows my mind and inspires me to be the Martial Artist I can be. 

Arakan Martial Art
3rd Degree Senior Instructor
Josh Grimsey

I’ve been training in various martial arts for over 20 years, across boxing, BJJ, hapkido and krav maga, collecting a black belt in hapkido along the way. I've been lucky enough to train with some amazing martial artists and under some incredible instructors. Chief Instructor Robert Kyaw stands out even amongst this group. As a martial artist, he personifies what first attracted me to Arakan Martial Art - fast, fluid, powerful application of practical techniques. As an instructor, he has an amazing (and amazingly helpful!) knack for not just teaching rote technique, but for helping you understand how to best train and apply those techniques for your body. And finally as a person, probably the best testament to Chief Instructor Robert Kyaw is what he has accomplished with Arakan Martial Art in Australia. He’s built a passionate community of martial artists who train hard and push each other, but always with the utmost respect. Who give back to the community both directly and through a range of charities, and are always open, warm and welcoming to new members.

Dominic Bressan 

I was first person in my family to be the “Crash Test Dummy” to start Arakan (under Corey Davies). Each lesson I would ring my cousin and tell him what an amazing experience I was having.

My Cousin, Bret Fry (Melbourne under Simon Richards) started a couple of weeks later and before I knew it; he was telling me about Arakan’s annual event that was coming up, “Warrior Day”, he was booking a flight from Melbourne to the Gold Coast and we were “both going to attend the day”. 
Warrior Day – 2015: (I didn’t even know what “feeding” or stimulus meant)…I had this Burmese Gentleman with a head set on giving instructions and doing “demonstrations” on his Instructors. It looked like pretty tough going for the Instructors but I have to say that at that point I was totally engrossed by this man giving the Instruction Master Rob Kyaw, Chief Instructor of the “Arakan Martial Art Club”. Well, what an introduction!

I was totally impressed by this man, his ability to communicate to a large group and the un-parallel ability he had to perform the martial art, Arakan.

That was a beginning to a front row seat to what I see personally as a complete training regime available to all walks of life with no barriers to them being age, physical fitness level or ability. As a beginner I was also completely inundated with new learning and trying to gain some form of fitness that would help me continue the goal.

I was invited to attend a 90 minutes Seminar being directed by the Chief Instructor and immediately accepted. Again a training session that I couldn’t imagine prior to attending and again I was completely impressed by the level of communication and training given by the Chief Instructor and I was now noticing more. There was a Club atmosphere that was tangible and a warmth to the Instructors and Rob Kyaw that genuinely emanated a care for the students well being and growth. There was an abundance of attendees.

I think that was when I really started to pay attention to the Chief Instructor and what he was achieving around me with Arakan Martial Art and from a business perspective. It was amazing! It was a business that you would buy shares in and was growing at an expediential rate. 

I was impressed with all facets on the façade including the uniforms and Arakan site (with Instructional videos for the un-initiated) and was again impressed to see a business model that over delivered. The amount of structure inside the “Arakan Club” was easy to follow and it allowed you to understand where you fitted in, what was available to you as a student and club member and where you could see yourself moving to with the Martial Art, over time. The level of training with the Instructor’s of the Arakan Club was second to none. It appeared that this man and his “brain’s trust” had achieved what most business model’s wanted to achieve….. success, with happy members learning some skills that would carry them throughout their lives. 

I was invited to different seminars and training days and got to see the Chief Instructor train at many different levels and started to understand that he was not only able to achieve a business model that was enviable he was able to be considered the “Real Deal” with the training. The demonstrations and training systems have allowed me a view of the Chief Instructor’s fitness level and ability and to say that I am always left “in awe” of both is an understatement. 

The Chief Instructor has always known what level I am at and has given me advice to assist me at all junctures. It is my humble opinion that we are blessed to have this man in our lives to be able to learn and grow through this training and Martial Art. His ability to see what we require individually and the development of the OMC for the use of our members is further evidence of Chief Instructor Kyaw’s desire to see our growth and development with strong structure and sustainable programs. 

This training regime is something that you can adopt for life. It seems to have other intrinsic values that come with the work and training but true to the slogan of Arakan it seems to assist me in all walks of life from the obvious physical advantages through to business sense, clarity and acumen. To train under the Master of this Art is a privilege not found in every day life?

As I travel through my “Arakan journey” and have met Robert Kyaw’s wife, Christina, and observed the training level of his young sons and their abundance of talent: it is apparent that this man is truly a person who is committed to his cause and family, first and foremost. The true spirit of Arakan emanates throughout this man’s entire being and spills out through his family. 

When you have had the privilege to meet his Instructed Staff and the community in and around the Arakan Martial Art Club it is a warmth and camaraderie that emanates from the top through to the first lesson beginners. Passion that is not able to be found in many facets of our lives.

I thank this gentleman for what he has given us as individuals and as a group. When I think of a true exponent and Master of His Art, I think Robert Kyaw.

Thank you for having me along for the journey it is my privilege to learn and watch the entire Group grow into the most dedicated well-trained Martial Group in our Country. When I speak to some students who have trained for 15 years and still learn from every experience I know I am only touching on the base of this system and have many years to gain knowledge in this well structured and attainable structure that Robert Kyaw has developed. It is my privilege to share these thoughts of the Chief Instructor, Robert Kyaw, Arakan Martial Art who has truly shown me a path to becoming a much better person with much better habits. I could not recommend you highly enough as a true Artist of Arakan and in Business there is not a more consummate professional. Your family is living proof of your dedication as a husband and father. (It is my privilege to train under you Sir.)

Kindest Regards
Mark Barlow
Willow Vale.

I have known ROBERT KYAW for over 15 years.

During this time I started as a student and grew into a friend.

Robert has developed Arakan Martial Arts into one of the largest Martial Arts companies in Australia. He has done this with integrity, honour, passion and a lot of hard work.

I have been in business my entire working life, and I can honestly say that Robert stands at the highest level in what he has achieved and how he has achieved it. To successfully combine the contrasting values of martial arts and a thriving company requires a unique business plan and a very special person to implement that plan.

As a fellow businessman, I respect how Robert has structured his business and how he treats his staff and students. A company cannot consistently grow for over 20 years without an exceptional product. Everything is transparent: all prices clearly advertised and adhered to, training dates always kept and replacement instructors provided when they are sick or on holidays. 
And on top of all this, Robert is always there. I have seen Arakan grow from 3 instructors to over 30 and from 100 members to over 1500 and yet Robert will never walk past a member without saying a hello full of appreciation and love. That is the true measure of a person, and why I am honoured to know and recommend ROBERT KYAW and Arakan Martial Arts.

Brett Williams
B.Bus (Acc.)

I have been training Arakan Martial Art for over twenty three years, and what I have seen in club growth in that time is extraordinary.

I have seen the club host Charity days where the whole club pulls together and over many years has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars 
for worthwhile charities, especially those involving children.

This is all under the guidance of Grand Master Robert Kyaw who I am honoured to say is personal friend. His generosity and selflessness is a benchmark that
instructors and students alike strive to achieve. I also directly know of people he has helped personally which is indicative of the compassionate culture he has built the Club on.

As a student, you are definitely taught some of the most devastating strikes known. These are delivered in an energy efficient, flowing and constant progression,
however it is important to note that while training, every person, male or female from the best practitioner through to the person starting on their first day, are all looked after and supported the same. The environment is safe, you are safe! 

I cannot express enough how happy I am that all of my children now train Arakan and this is by their own choice. They love it! It gives them real world techniques and fitness. I feel they now have the skills to look after themselves and their friends, but just as important, they are also taught when to walk away and not engage physically. It really is an extremely well balanced self defence regime for kids. 

To be honest, this is so good I don’t know why everyone, regardless of age, has not at least had a complimentary lesson. It is amazing, unique and devastating.

Personally, I now have the confidence I wish I had growing up and that confidence then carries through to my business life in such a positive and profound way. 

After having trained traditional Martial Arts in the past, I am so grateful that have found Arakan and I cannot foresee a time that it won’t be a part of my life. 
I can't recommend it highly enough.

Paul Mulqueen

I have grown to know Master Rob Kyaw throughout the last 3 years of my undertaking Arakan Martial Art.

Living in Sydney, I only have the pleasure of training under Master Rob’s instruction during 90 minute seminars twice per year, a small number of Yellow Belt lessons and to socialize at the ‘End of Year’ Arakan Awards night. 

Master Rob’s ideal’s and message are communicated through my superlative instructors here in Sydney; Jayson Osborne, Carlos Ortega, Richie Burkett, Jack Germain and Scott Sperring. I have come to know Master Rob mainly through the teachings of AMA. 

My personal connection with Rob however was immediate. I believe he welcomes all new students of Arakan Martial art with respect and inspires potential beyond what many would probably believe in themselves. I felt I had known Master Rob when we met, maybe due to the instructors consistent passing on of Rob’s knowledge directly, or maybe an inate understanding that we hold many of the same core values and responsibilities; Dedicated Father/Husband, Business Founder/Owner, Athlete, an individual wanting the best ‘from life’, and to give his best “to life”. Master Rob demonstrates his ‘Giving’ via fund raising for The Arakan Orphanage in Burma amongst other community initiatives. The AMA Orphanage was built from the fundraising and continues to develop due to the support from Master Rob and the team at AMA.

Master Rob’s teaching ability never ceases to amaze me. I see students of all levels thrive within Arakan 90 minute seminars individually and as a group which is incredible. The learning of skills and increase in confidence is just 90 minutes is profound. His intuitive ability to read the group’s level of awareness and abilities and respond with just the right amount of information, action and intensity never ceases to amaze me.  Master Rob’s seminars have become two of the highlights of my year.

The culture Master Rob has created within the club is one which the Arakan tag line of ‘Power, Focus, Confidence’ is evident. My great instructors possess and breed this culture adding humility, honesty and respect. I now understand these qualities are a direct reflection of Master Rob.

Master Robert Kyaw is a rare individual indeed. I feel blessed to call Master Rob my teacher and friend and am proud to recommend his teachings and team to help anyone learn Arakan Martial Art to not only defend themselves and protect their family effectively but to improve, focus, self confidence, health and strength.

Your Sincerely,
Nick Jones

GEN-TEC Nutrition Director and Founder
WORLD Champion Bodybuilder

I have been training with Arakan Martial Art for 7 years now and I can truly say it has been a life changing decision for me.

I have always had an interest in Martial arts. I did Karate as a teenager and then Kung Fu as a young adult. I even tried out Arakan for a short time in my 20’s but like many young people, I never really stuck to anything that I found ‘hard’ for longer than a few months at a time.

When I was 25 I then decided to launch my own business which quickly got very busy and consumed more and more of my time. Just like many new business owners, I sacrificed my time, health and everything else I could to get my business successful. After 10 years of doing that I found my business and personal relationships floundering, I was burnt out, depressed, overweight and extremely unhealthy.
At age 35 I saw the writing on the wall and decided I needed to make drastic changes in my life in order to turn it around. I made major changes to my business by downsizing it to make it more manageable and specialised and also decided I needed to take control of my health, especially as I had a 2 year old son and wanted to be active with him.

The thought of going to the gym sounded good but a little boring so I decided to revisit my passion of martial arts and take it up again. When deciding on which martial art to start again, I decided on Arakan as I remembered it was the most physical martial art I had done when I was younger and the standard of training just seemed much higher than other martial arts I had tried.

Once I started back at Arakan I noticed I was achieving my goals quite quickly and was losing weight, getting fitter and starting to feel much younger. I also experienced a lot of other unexpected benefits.. my business started improving dramatically, my relationships with clients, family and friends got much better and I found I was able to do so much more mentally and physically than I ever thought possible. I found at times where I would previously give up on something because it was ‘too hard’ or ‘too boring’, I had a new ability to just focus and get the job done.

After a short time of training in Arakan, I was invited to attend a ’90 minutes with the master’ training event where beginner students are given the opportunity to be trained directly by Master Rob Kyaw.

Very quickly I discovered what an amazing experience it was to train with Master Rob. I had trained under multiple Sifu’s and Sensei’s in my younger years and was blown away by how much knowledge Rob possessed in martial arts yet how incredibly humble and grateful he is. I was also greatly impressed by the unique way that Rob teaches in that he makes the effort to know every single one of his students whether they have been training for 2 weeks or 20 years.

Rob also has a way of teaching the importance of efficiency and relevance in training so that no training session is wasted. What you learn is practical and useful for effective self defence rather than just going through a series of choreographed moves with no understanding of how to implement what you learn in real life.

After being in the club for a while, it is amazing to see the culture that Rob has created throughout the whole club which flows from himself down to all his hand picked instructors and through to all the students. He has an amazing way of seeing the potential in every student and how to push them just enough to get them to where they can be.
Rob is also extremely generous and often gives so much of his time and resources to those that need it without attracting attention or praise. Whether it is raising money to literally put a roof over the head of orphans in Burma or simply giving extra time to a student to help them understand something they are struggling with so they can move forward in their training, Rob obviously cares deeply about the people around him and that they reach their full potential.

I have had many break through moments in the past several years of training. There have been so many times (especially in my earlier years of training) where I thought I could not do what was asked of me and could not push any further but Rob has this amazing way of getting you to push harder and not give up at any cost so you can achieve your goals. Rob has given me the gift of mental fortitude and great belief in myself… so much so that I have greatly surpassed all the goals I initially had when I started Arakan and am now achieving things in my life that I never thought possible.

I have known Rob for several years now and can truly say he has been one of the most positive and greatest influences in my life. I am proud to call him a mentor and friend and would highly recommend Arakan Martial Art to anyone who wants to reach their full potential in life and experience the abundance of life that can come when you are truly focussed and confident.

Dave Mason 

As a relatively new student of Arakan Martial Art, I have only been in Master Rob's presence on a handful of privileged occasions. I relive in my mind admiration and awe when I reminisce about these moments. On a deeper and more focussed level of thought, however, I am struck by how my appreciation of Master Rob seemingly revolves around an endless array of paradoxes.

Each time I see Master Rob, there is a palpable sense of familiarity, yet he is infinitely enigmatic. His words are stern but gentle. His movements are realistic yet somehow mythical. They are fluid but formed. His demonstrations are graceful but inflict explosive power. Offence is defence. Defence is offence. To me, Master Rob is both formidable and inspirational. He inspires discipline, yet he is forgiving. In conversation, I cannot escape the sense Master Rob is both curious and wise. 

The same thought stream brings me to the realisation that Master Rob’s physicality and spirit are an embodiment of Arakan Martial Art; simple yet complex, logical yet inexplicable, steely yet pliable. It overpowers yet it yields. It is adaptable to modernity but its ancient ways remain undiluted. The Art's infinite depth is humbling, intriguing and captivating. Just like Master Rob.

I also come to appreciate Master Rob's many consistencies, which have encouraged and guided me (and no doubt countless other students) in our individual journeys. Each time we train, Master Rob simultaneously observes the most frantic mêlée but can dissect intricacies down to the microscopic level. His comments and advice are uncannily timely and on point, as if he is physically partaking, not merely observing. His warmth is unfaltering and his encouragement consistent. His hearty smile is ever-present. Irrespective of the enigma I fathom in Master Rob, his magnetism and dynamism are a constant source of inspiration for me.

Dr Leo Chen
Doctor of Medicine in Psychiatry 

Where to begin? I first Met Rob about 5 years ago, it was at my first ever seminar 90 minutes with the master. There are many reasons I will never forget this seminar, the main one being how absolutely amazed I was with watching Chief instructor Robert Kyaw demonstrate just a fraction of what Arakan is and can be if you commit yourself to training. Over the past 5 years I have had the privilege of seeing Rob on almost a weekly and in this time I have come to believe he Is both one of the toughest and simultaneously gentle people I have ever met. I have seen Rob on many occasions going from teaching extremely violent techniques and how to perform them for maximum damage, then asking a crying young girl who was so flustered from the pressure  if she was okay with upmost sincerity, the switch from kill mode to caring mentor mode was instant. To me this speak volumes for the character of a person and really encapsulates what Arakan can be, which to me is both hard and soft. I’ve also had the privilege of learning from Rob as a mentor, often I’m not sure he realises how much his guidance and care goes outside of training, it always seems like when Rob teaches he can read my mind and something I have been thinking all week and trying to find a way to rationalise, he sums up in perfect fashion like the answer was so clear the entire time, it truly is amazing! I cannot speak highly enough of Rob and his generosity and the club and culture he has built over the last 25 years. I can honestly say if you ever have the opportunity to spend time with this amazing martial artist and human being please don’t let it pass you by! 

Josh Baramilis

How does one express the extraordinary amount of gratitude that I feel for my Chief Instructor Robert Kyaw, for bringing Arakan to my life and for what Arakan has done for me.

Rob is an incredible being, not that he would accept that compliment. He is not only kind, compassionate, caring and extraordinarily generous; he is also very humble. 

I've had the pleasure of being taught by our Chief Instructor, throughout my Arakan journey and Rob always has this amazing ability of teaching one just what one needs at that moment, whether one realises it or not. Rob has an amazing way of connecting with one on a deeper level and teaches one in a way that one easily understands the concept as well as the technique or drill that one is to perform. One always leaves feeling great about oneself after spending time with Rob. 

Rob has been my mentor, spiritual teacher and Chief Instructor over the past few years and I've never met anyone who is so aligned with their purpose and mission in life. I share Rob's vision that if every single person on the planet trained Arakan, that the world would be a more compassionate, loving place. 

Arakan teaches one about themselves on a deeper level. Through Arakan Rob teaches one to connect with one's body, mind and soul, and through this practice one is able to achieve anything in life. Rob's passion in life, commitment to his journey and his ability to teach anyone is incredibly inspiring. I'm truly grateful to have Rob as my teacher and mentor. 


Rob is one of the most giving, kind, devoted and genuinely wonderful, human beings I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He has an amazing ability to make you feel safe and calm while he’s physically and mentally pushing your threshold. 

I find him a truly inspirational teacher and coach, going beyond “just teaching” a martial art, I find myself being able to relate the lessons learnt towards most aspects in my day to day life, it’s a very empowering sensation to feel like you have the confidence and belief within yourself to take on anything life can through your way.

Rob has always pushed me further then what I thought I could achieve, educating and exciting me along the way as well as constantly inspiring action. The benefits that I’ve gotten through training and learning from Rob, not to mention the positive impact that Arakan has had on my life, make me exceptionally grateful.

He’s truly a treasure

Sabrina Breasley 


When I was 15, I turned up after school one day to play basketball. Little did I know there would be no basketball that day as one of my brother’s friends had seen Rob teaching someone at the school and asked him what they were doing. He said 'its called Arakan, a Burmese martial art.'
Rob told him to get some friends together and he would show us what he teaches.
So we pretty much got smacked around and we all started as a little group class.

I remember at our second lesson, Rob kicked our ball away. He intended for us to get our shit together as it was training time. Some of the boys quickly dropped out. Some were always stoned and dropped out later. Rob was definitely on a mission to share Arakan with everyone. Back then there were no cool t-shirts, just tough lessons.

I was playing rep basketball at the time and was pretty fit. I think Rob worked me harder because of that. It definitely wasn't easy, but very rewarding and helped me on so many levels. He didn't talk to me much but at end of he would have a little chat. I remember he had an old Red Ford Laser and long hair haha.

Soon it was just my brother and I training on Saturday morning’s and Rob was still only charging me the group price of $6 for a private lesson. My brother never showed up, even though he always said he would be there. Rob became very busy and said he wasn't going teach us anymore; I think it was because we always go into fights and he thought we would seriously hurt someone, so his older brother taught us for a while.
When I was 19 years old, I came back to the Gold Coast from working commercial fishing in the Gulf (top of Australia). I really missed training and practised every day whilst I was there. I called Rob when I returned and he was so happy to hear from me. He now had other instructors teaching Arakan so I started with one of them.
It was probably another 5 years before I was able to get Rob to teach me again. By this stage I was now teaching Arakan. Rob lives and breathes what he does. I’m sure I probably frustrated the hell out of him over the years.

I have never been one to follow the rules, but he has always backed me and believed in me; knowing my heart was in the right place and I would always get the job done.
My biggest privilege is helping Rob teach his two boys from 2 ½ years of age. They are such amazing, humble and confident kids.
I have a relationship with Rob like no one else on this planet. He is my teacher, my friend, my mentor, my boss and the one that challenges me to be more and have more. Also, the one that punches me in the face (and Serpz haha ) Every time I see him, he always asks me about Armi (my 4 year old son).

This is my 14th year of teaching and life is amazing. I honestly have the best students on the Gold Coast and in Sydney. I live on the Gold Coast and live Wednesday to Friday in Sydney, where Jayson (Osborne) and I manage the Sydney region. Being the Chief Instructors private student is truly amazing; I learn so much about the art, directly from his family’s blood line.

Those that knew me as a messed up kid know how far I have come and this is only the beginning! Arakan has made me live life at my potential; humble, fierce, happy and proud. With my goals written down and the strongest belief in what I do; success is my only option. I feel I am truly living my purpose and I am here to share Arakan Martial Art with the world. I am excited for my students and those I haven’t met yet, to see and feel what I get from training every day! I am so grateful to have such a hard working, amazing leader, who trains harder than anyone I know and always leads by example.

Richy Burkett


After training for over 20 years I have never seen a better example of getting what you pay for, incredible value, under promises and over delivers
I have had the privilege of training and being taught by many instructors however after training with Robert for over 20 years, he is simply the best
As a long term student I have had the pleasure of watching Robert invest heavily in thousands of people and genuinely care about their progress, health, happiness and wellbeing.
When he doesn't shave he can look quite distinguished, as long as the lighting is good!
Absolute professional all the time everytime
Its very enriching to be taught by someone so eager to learn and grow as Robert, always striving to be better, Very inspirational
Somehow each lesson seems to be exactly what i have needed in the day. A pump up, a recovery, breathing, skills, it always hits the spot

After training for over 20 years the challenge as a student can be to keep growing and moving forward, with Robert as your instructor, guide and inspiration that challenge becomes pretty easy.

Damian Phelps


I had the great fortune of being Introduced to Arakan Martial Art 9 years ago. I was over weight, very unfit, and I wasn't heading in a good direction. To say Arakan Martial Art is life changing would be an understatement. With a lot of help and encouragement from the Arakan Martial Art Team I got my life heading in the right direction.

The Arakan Martial Art community is always there for each other. They always want the best for each other, and will do their best to help others around them achieve their goals. This community is a direct reflection of the person that Master Robert Kyaw is. He has been a great mentor for me over the last 9 years, and I am privileged enough to be taught by him every week.

Master Kyaw has an amazing knowledge of Martial Art techniques that are very street practical. He shares this knowledge in a very nurturing yet challenging way. Every time you get to spend time with Master Kyaw you know he is there providing you with the best service, and he is always using his time to improve you life.

Thank you Rob for being a great mentor and inspiration.

Grant Cosgrove

What to tell you about Chief Instructor, Robert Kyaw. If you have been given the opportunity or invited to meet this amazing human being, DO IT!

This man has changed countless people's lives and I guarantee that I'm not the only one who thinks this. However being the most humble man you'll ever meet, he'll never agree with it. Whenever Rob opens his mouth to speak, the whole room goes quiet and listens. His wisdom is sought after by all of the instructors and as an instructor myself I could only imagine to understand the way his mind works.

As a student, he teaches us invaluable lessons within our Arakan training, and no matter how you are feeling throughout the day or during the lesson, once he stands within 5 metres of you, he pulls something out of you that lifts you immediately to 110%. He sees the best in everything and is a pleasure to be around. He somehow just knows exactly what you need at the time when it comes to your learning and your energy and is able share knowledge with you in the exact way your mind can process it at the time.

Rob's ability as an Arakan practitioner needs no comment. He is far beyond where any of us will ever reach in our lives and because of that he is a major inspiration to us all. This one time, I'm sure I saw him levitate! Rob will share with you his knowledge without limitation, and wants nothing in return but to help each and every person he meets grow and become something more!

Thank you Rob, for everything.

Nick May

Aside from being a phenomenal Martial Artist, Robert Kyaw is a remarkable mentor and teacher. Through my journey so far of 5 years, I have attended many lessons and seminars that Master Rob has taken. He truly embodies the Chief Instructor role being truly humble, a positive role model and having great wisdom.

Christopher Kangalis 

Probably one of the biggest privileges any martial artist will get is the opportunity to train with the Chief Instructor or Master of their art. This is a rare privilege I get to have every week. 
For me one of the biggest highlights of my Arakan journey is grading my yellow belt and getting to train with Chief Instructor Robert Kyaw every week. 
He constantly amazes me with his knowledge of not only Arakan Martial Art® but also his knowledge of the human body in general, from the physical mechanics, to the mind and also other martial arts as well.
If you ever have the opportunity to train in a seminar with the Master I would highly recommend seizing it. It will be an experience hard to forget, on so many levels.

Ben Fulton 

I started training Arakan in December 2015 after heading down to a Fitness Expo and got booked in for a complimentary lesson. Ever since my first lesson, I found it significant to invest in my personal growth.
I’m not the biggest person alive however I have been taught techniques and drills that will help me use my strength as an advantage if I was to be attacked. Training Arakan has taught me to be confident in my life in various and different situations, prepared me to protect myself, friends and loved ones if needed. I love how Arakan is both psychically, mentally and emotionally challenging. I am extremely grateful and blessed to be a part of such amazing and an empowering club!! Most importantly Arakan has taught me to find purpose with training by exceeding pass my limits which has lead me to become the best version of myself. Super excited to be sharing Arakan to as many people as possible as an instructor in Melbourne and training as a life long student!!!

Melissa Vay

I’ve sat to write this so many times and deleted more than I’ve written,
either my words are too emotional or they just don’t capture the man that is Robert Kyaw. 
The end of 2006 I started my journey with Arakan.
I thought I’d be learning a Martial  Art, Robert Kyaw taught me about life. 
He taught me the value of myself and ignited a fire that I previously hadn’t discovered, he gave me skills to protect myself and project my energy in a way I don’t attract harm in the first place. Robert showed me the value of community and being a part of such an incredible club I’ve always felt supported and loved whilst being stretched outside my comfort zone because Robert strives to bring out the best in you and show you just how much you’re capable of, even when you’ve lost faith in yourself, Robert’s belief in you continues. 
Training Arakan Martial Art has been the only ‘exercise’ I have ever committed to and although I have had periods of training less I have never quit. The skills I learn and use in my everyday life are far too valuable for me to ever stop learning. 
In the time I’ve trained Arakan I’ve discovered my life’s passion and live it everyday, the skills Robert has taught me opened my heart and mind and connected me to myself, helped me to work through trauma I had experienced and allowed me to use the experience to help others. 
I will be forever grateful to have met Robert Kyaw, I consider him to be one of the most influential people in my life and am blessed to have him as an Instructor and a friend 
Thank you for all that you do and all that you are Rob 
I love you 

Tracey McMahon



Robert Kyaw is the best martial artist that I have ever met. He makes you train hard but never asks anything that he hasn't done himself. Rob draws the best from everyone around him. Rob is generous, caring and humble. He cares enough to give honest feedback so his students can improve as martial artists and as people. Rob is what I think everyone should aspire to be as a person.

Phil Morley


Strengthen Team Building with Arakan Martial Art

Team building is a critical component of any successful organization, whether in the corporate world or other group-based environments. A cohesive, well-functioning team can significantly improve productivity, communication, and overall workplace morale. Arakan Martial Art offers a unique and dynamic approach to team building through its workshops, designed to engage, challenge, and unite your group in a practical and meaningful way.


Learn How to Fight

If you're in your 20s and serious about learning how to fight, you're probably weighing your options. Boxing, MMA, traditional martial arts—all of these can teach you valuable skills. But when it comes to real-world self-defence, where there are no rules and anything can happen, you need something more practical, something designed for the street rather than the ring.

That’s where Arakan Martial Art comes in.