Urban Warrior Seminars
Arakan Martial Art® Seminars provide you with an opportunity to learn fast and effective self-defence techniques in different environments and against different stimuli. Seminars have been held in a real nightclub, on a train, in a jail, a home and even your car! You learn effective and efficient self-protection techniques in close quarters or even against multiple attackers. Being confined to a car, train or bar is no barrier to effectively being able to defend yourself and your loved ones.
The purpose of these seminars is to enable you to develop effective street skills and techniques and learn to apply them by role playing various real life street scenarios. Role playing in a safe and controlled environment helps increase your threshold and enables you to be better prepared physically, emotionally and mentally should you be confronted with a real life situation.
These seminars help you fully immerse yourself into training and will give you amazing results that transpose into other areas of your life.
Find out more about Arakan self-defence seminars here
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